We’d love to feature you and your journey on our blog. If you would like to write a few paragraphs or be interviewed and featured here please let us know. We’d like to feature our fellow travelers and their journeys with Osho. Some of us were with Osho for many years while he was in the body and others have become a part of his community long after he left this Earth. We would like to celebrate all of the different ways Osho has touched our lives. If you would like to write a few paragraphs some prompts might be:
How did you first meet Osho
How did Osho influence or change your life
What is your spiritual journey like today (what groups, teachers, currently influence you) and how is that helped by Osho’s presence in your life
Tell us about you
If you’re not a writer we would be happy to meet for tea and do an interview that could then be typed up for a post!
We would like photos as well.
For more information please write to Deva Arani at aranishimer@gmail.com.